Saturday, September 3, 2011

Romanian panflute at a medical congress

Panflute, violin and piano at a medical congress in Oradea, Romania, august 2011.
A garden party at an old castle, now museum, at the border between Romania and Hungary.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reggae in Wings Club, Bucharest

Johhny King, Alex Ionita, Cristi Americanu, 'ATI', Tantanes., Viorela Botezatu. Live in wings Club, Bucharest. June 2011.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Maramures kids performing traditional dance

These kids performed these traditional dances at a wedding in Maramures (northern Romania).
Live violin and drum background.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Romanian genius kid: probably the best beat-box in the world

Video: Cosmin Agache, 14 ani, Botosani, in finala "Romanii au Talent", Pro TV, 25 aprilie 2011.

This 14 years old genius from Romania performed a brilliant beat-box number in the finale of "Romania's got talent". Name: Cosmin Agache. From: Botosani, northern Romania (next to Ukraine). On: ProTV national channel. Enjoy!

*uploaded from you tube

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Barbara Streisand vs. Stela Popescu

Here's a version of "Barbara Streisand", made in Cluj, Romania. Crazy funny students...

De curand un politist intervievat in stare de ebrietate, la televizor, a fost intrebat daca vrea sa utilizeze "etilotestu' ". Raspunsul a fost desigur: "Stela Popescu"...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Black Hole Sun: unplugged

...well, here's a little bit of Chris Cornell, unplugging the Black Hole Sun to a series of unexpected yet fluid harmony changes...Enjoy!

Chris Cornell (n.1964, Seattle), pe numele sau adevarat Christopher John Boyle, a format in 1984 trupa Soundgarden, cu care a atins apogeul 10 ani mai tarziu. Albumul Superunknown (1994), care a cuprins piesele "Black Hole Sun" si "Spoonman" este, conform Rolling Stone magazine, unul din cele mai bune 500 albume din toate timpurile.

Site oficial Chris Cornell:

Selectat pentru Muzica Altfel @2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

The "Nu stiu" Song

Celebrul concitadin, coleg de strada si de copilarie cu mine, Ciprian, a avut parte de un remix spectaculos la "nu stiu, nu stiu de-astea". Popularizat de Mihai Bendeac si You Tube, Ciprian din Piatra-Neamt revine cu un remix by Boier Bibescu, sub titlul "The NU STIU song". 

...a aflat, intre timp, cineva care este pluralul de la "telecomanda"?.

Colectia Muzica Altfel, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

No woman, no cry: a gospel choir version

No woman no cry, no Bob Marley. Many women, a true Bob Marley spirit and, of course, music. Here is a tribute to Bob Marley by the Ladysmith Gospel Choir...

No woman no cry interpretat live de un cor de gospel. Spirit de reggae, polifonie,si, desigur, feeling.

Selectat pentru Muzica Altfel, 2011.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cand clapele devin tobe...

O interpretare a unei partituri de tobe, pe clape.

Known as "best drummer in the world on keyboard", this video may really be the best drum solo on keyboard...
A few comments on the You Tube comments: could any of the dislikers have done this? No, not on drums. Really...

Selected for Muzica Altfel, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Generic Teleenciclopedia la chitara

...Videoclipul pe care l-am postat in articolul "This is Romania" m-a inspirat sa ma "alatur" lui Dan Grigore, in interpretarea capodoperei lui Nicolae Kirculescu, cunoscuta ca "genericul de la Teleenciclopedia"...

This is Romania

Romania: o capodopera a naturii, o muzica a imaginilor, o imensa comoara de talent.

A 'chef d'oeuvre' of nature, huge talent resource, beautiful people...this is Romania.
If you don't know anything about Romania, watch this video. If you do, you'll surely know you'll miss it when you're gone away...

More pictures of Romania on this Romanian Fotoblog

Inregistrarea este din 1965 si a fost special realizata la cererea Televitiunea Romana pentru genericul emisiunii Teleenciclopedia. Orchestra este a Radiodifuziunii Române, condusă de Iosif Conta, iar la pian este, pe atunci student, Dan Grigore. (comentariu You Tube by Sonatina6)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Vunk: o varianta de Depeche rock

Foto: Muzica Altfel @2011

Trupa Vunk a interpretat, pe 19 ianuarie 2011, in clubul Euphoria Music Hall din Cluj, o versiune rock a piesei "Policy of Truth" (Depeche Mode). A fost unul din cele 2 coveruri live, celalalt fiind A-HA - Take on me.

Tonalitati majore, artificii pe tavan izbucnite din chitari, o voce cu timbru unic, stare de spirit si mult rock. Trupa Vunk este compusa din Cornel Ilie (voce, chitara), Gabriel Maga (chitara), Bogdan Crucianu (bas) si Nicu Saghea (tobe).

Vunk, a well known rock band from Romania, included in its live show a rock version of Policy of Truth, by Depeche Mode.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Metallica played on Romanian cimbal

...un roman canta Nothing Else Matters la tambal, la o nunta.

Well, this is what happens at a Romanian wedding, with talented artists...
The Romanian name for CIMBAL is "TAMBAL", pronounced Tzambal.
A few common notions about CIMBAL, on Wikipedia (click on Wiki)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Rondo alla Turca with DRUMS: Vadrum meets Mozart

Un tobosar il acompaniaza pe Mozart. Rondo alla Turca, intr-o versiune ritmata. Tobe, Vadrum, muzica clasica si lovituri de geniu.

Well, for those of you who don't know Vadrum, it will be a nice sunday start...
VADRUM is, in real life, ANDREA VADRUCCI, an Italian drummer who studied drums since 10.

In this video I selected for "MUZICA ALTFEL", a little bit of Mozart featuring Vadrum. Rondo alla Turca, A minor, with major drum performance.

Meet Vadrum on his official website...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nirvana: The Tantanes Keyboard Remix 2011

Well, here's the first video I made speccialy for this website...It's just me playing a few Nirvana themes on pop rythms...
Basic themes, different approach: Came as you are, Smells like teen spirit, Heart Shaped Box...
-to be continued-


Bun venit pe acest nou blog de muzica!
Acest blog cuprinde atat altfel de muzici, cat, mai ales, aceeasi muzica, pe care toti o stiti, interpretata altfel. Live-uri, interpretari inedite, si, din martie, interpretari live la cerere.

So, here's a new 2011 music blog, made in Romania. All kinds of music videos, selected by the author.
A Tantanes production.
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